Friday 30 July 2010


I have now come to an all time pregnancy moment.... I cannot get enough of the dairylea triangles! I would buy the spread but I would only sit and eat it out of a tub in one sitting...although the triangles don't really
make it passed two sittings. :-O  I don't normally like "crap" food but all of a sudden I am craving these fatty, glutenous slimy triangles! I went through a box of 16 in two days and am making my way quite nicely through another one today ;) I'm not too worried as the baby obviously needs something in it and I've been told I don't want to get underweight again this time through so I will happily sit here slurping my cheese! But you know when you read about pregnant cravings in books and you think "gosh that's really greedy I would never do that"    lol it's true! I am loving the cheese this week :) xx

1 comment:

Chrissie said...

Embrace it and enjoy - you are a beautiful pregnant mama, you are supposed to put on those extra pounds so don't worry!