Thursday 5 August 2010

I went back to the doctors and they decided that I could go into labour anytime in the next two weeks. They signed me off work and they gave me two steroid injections to help the baby's lungs develop and strengthen her heart. In the same breath they then said "on the other hand you could go full term"  this left me feeling absolutely shocked. They have signed me off work and I am now off for 9 months. :S I really feel a bit like a bird or an animal that is made to sit still and hatch an egg. I am calmer then I thought I would be. It's more a case of well there is nothing I can do apart from rest and trust in God. So I am leaving it up to God and whatever happens happens. It's just that now everytime my stomache twitches or something I sort of get a bit nervous, and then I start to over think things but we are taking things one day at a time. So this is just an update...I am sure there will be more to come as I am home doing nothing :) xx

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