Tuesday 10 August 2010

27 weeks

It's really strange but I feel like celebrating! I made it another week! To most women they don't even think twice about getting to this point in their pregnancy and they start wishing they were done already. Here I am grasping each day as though it is my last day pregnant and I made it another week! 13 weeks to go! Yay Jesus! I know that I complain about alot of things in pregnancy and I probably do go on about it more than I should but today I am ecstatic and am praising Jesus for everything because each thing that goes on is a "normal" pregnancy thing and that means that things are going ok! If having constipation, insomnia, constant wierd cravings and trips to the loo mean that I can keep this little woman inside for that little bit longer then so be it! I praise you Jesus for I am fearfully and wonderfully made..most days fearfully but today I am wonderfully made as well! I praise you Jesus for you unending "thereness" you are there for me when I am awake and asleep, you are there for me when I am happy or sad, you are there for me when I get tired and feel so alone, and you are there to celebrate with me as the days turn into weeks. I love you Jesus and I am so in awe of your faithfulness...you give me strength Jesus in a way I couldn't find any other way....Amen.

Yesterday I got into a bit of an arguement with someone online and got a little self righteous, but it wasn't because I was trying to be prideful I was trying to stick up for what was right. I think lately the world has become so complacent and so accepting to really wrong comments...this one tipped me over the edge, and he started arguing with me and do you know? I actually stood up for myself properly and may have looked silly at some point but I stuck up for what was right and felt so good doing it! I am going to start speaking my mind in regards to what is right and wrong more often. I know that just because I don't go to church people don't see us as Christians but it is about time I got vocal about my Jesus and about what is right!  :) K I am stepping off my podium now. xx

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