Saturday 6 November 2010

almost due date

Tuesday would have been my due's crazy to think that this amazing baby this beautiful gift I have been given early would have still been inside had it not been for my incompetent cervix. I am not sad about it though, I am actually relieved...I hated being pregnant. I am getting the hang of breast feeding, I wore my moby and breastfed in public! Aimee is growing so much she is getting these chubby little jowls and and chunky tiny thighs...aww so cute! She is also developing a temper and learning that if she cries a certain way everyone in the room will instantly stop what they are doing and rush over and fuss over her. And why not...she is adorable! Maggie is so good with her, she is so in love with her Aimee sister, she constantly kisses and loves on her. Aimee ended up with Maggies cold because of all the cuddles but is on the mend now. I can't wait to see how much she weighs on Monday...she has grown  much!

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