Sunday, 8 August 2010

melt down

Last night I had a melt down moment. Steve is working full time and Maggie is at nursery full time. I am at home resting full time. We don't see alot of one another and I don't have energy to do alot when we are together. I had casually mentioned to Steve that since I was getting pain in my pelvis when I stand for to long that he might have to help me do some housework tomorow which I hate asking him to do because he does work so much and it's not fair to expect him to do housework on top of work work. Well he had had a really bad day at work and I chose the wrong moment to mention it (you know how in marriage there are the right and wrong times to mention things? Well this wasn't the right moment) So he made some rude remark about how I was home sat no my ass all day and why couldn't I just do some of it. He didn't mean it and later apologized for being such a jerk and went out and got me some pickles to make up for it..but in that single moment all of my frustrtations came pouring out in a single comment and I was reduced to blubbering. I know that I am useless at the moment, I am feeling really useless actually...I feel it's my job as a mother and wife to keep the house tidy and to look after my family. I can't do the simplest of tasks like change the laundry because bending down pulls on my uterus. I am fully aware that the kitchen is in need of a good tidy and I do little bits when I have the energy but no sooner do I get done with one load of dishes there is another one waiting. I just couldn't stop crying and I know it's down to the change in hormones as I am taking the Cyclogest progesterone things and that I had two steroid injections and despite what they say I am sure it affected me some little bit. But I am starting to wonder how I am going to be able to handle more time off. I miss my friends and my family from home. I know that there are people praying for me over here but people don't really come around because they don't want me to get tired. But I would love a visit with people! So I am fine this morning it's a gorgeous day and I made pancakes since I couldn't sleep in lol I woke up wired. I now need to get up and start this day but if anyone is reading this then please just keep me in your prayers as I am not in the strongest place right now and am feeling rather feeble.

1 comment:

Chrissie said...

If I was closer, I would totally come for a visit. Do you have skype on your computer? That's almost like having a cuppa with someone, and if you ever want to FB chat to get some interaction just say hi!
Praying for you x