Friday, 20 August 2010

friday feeling? no not really

It's Friday today and I don't feel like it's any other day of the week. Before I got signed off work I would rush in and we would all do a Friday wriggle and then get on with the day knowing that tomorow we could rest. Well I have been resting for nearly 2 whole months now and have another 3 to go :( 5 months is a long time. I am starting to feel the isolation. Because I am not allowed to go out and wander about as it puts pressure on my cervix, I am pretty much stuck at home. I can go to the park and library but it involves shoes and getting dressed into more than my pajamas. I need to invest in some pajamas that look like real clothes so I can go outdoors in them lol...although at the moment I have been wandering around in my christmas simpsons ones because they are most comfortable lol big baggy flannel bottoms and tiny top that doesnt go on my bump so it's not pulling tight. Really can't go out like that. I just miss having people to talk to. At work there would be any number of adults staff/parents that I would stop and chat with, I would sit with the kids and read stories and have conversations about Fireman Sam and IgglePiggle.  These when a telemarketer calls on the phone I get so excited and chatty it's them who wants to hang up quick ;) lol it makes me realize though how it must feel to be confined to bed. Mine is temporary and it will eventually be over and so worth it because the baby will have had this time to grow properly. But alot of people have to stay in bed permanently and it is sad. What on earth do they do with themselves? I mean after I make the rounds on the internet ie; netmums, facebook, twitter and blogger I am bored and that takes at the most 2 hours. Leaving me the rest of the day to do little jobs and eat. Mainly eat lol! But yeah I just am feeling a little bit depressed today and a little lonesome. I would love conversation of some kind. . . maybe the people from Npower will call again ;) lol have a good weekend everyone! 28+3 today!

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