Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Me and my cervix :) 29+1 today!

Sounds like the name of a really good book doesn't it lol! ;) Well last week I really struggled, I know that at the end of the day God is in control and there isn't anything more I can do...however it seemed like everytime we went into hospital it was another negative outcome. It was a long drawn out sad process that left me feeling drained and questioning myself and God. I have really tried my hardest to be upbeat, to be positive and to be trusting. To put on a brave face and to say "yes Jesus not mine but Your's"  and so far I have done it. But I had come to a point where I thought "you know I can't take another negative meeting, I can't handle it...I don't know what the alternative was to that thought because there wasn't much that could be done either way...but I had just had enough."  So we went in and there were 3 consultants, yes 3! 3 people who wanted to look at my cervix all at the same time...when I get nervous I get sarcastic and I really really wanted to blurt out "shall we open the doors and windows and let everyone have a look????"  But I restrained myself ;) Anyways onto the bed I hopped and into my cervix we peered. . . and what did we find?????????? NOTHING!!! My cervix had not shrunk since the last time and the doctors were shocked. I do like to see shocked doctors because it means that my Jesus did something THEY couldn't!!! MY JESUS held my cervix in place and kept it the same length. Now don't get me wrong, I am still at 9 (whatever that means, it's still very small) but the doctors said that they had seen women stay pregnant for weeks at 2! So I figure it is God in there holding this baby in place, it was God who helped the progesterone kick itself into gear and it is still God in there now but I reckon He's doing a bit of a victory dance as He's in there. If my consultant hadn't been a very obviously strong sikh believer I would have told Him it was because of my Jesus and because of prayer but I didn't want to offend him so I simply said "well there have been lots of prayers going up lately, they must have worked!"   This was what I needed. It isn't a promise that I won't go into labour early, it isn't a promise that I will get through this week BUT it was a reminder that God is there, He is listening, and no matter what state our lives are in, no matter what I am going through He can give us that YAY JESUS moment that we so desperately need. So today me and my cervix are doing little bits around the house but not alot as this point in my pregnancy my back has decided to give up the ghost and it feels like the baby has her legs wrapped around my spine and is dancing on my we are doing little jobs to make it LOOK tidy :) Just don't open the oven door ;)

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