Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Aimee Alice

I made it to 33 weeks, 6 days and 19 hours :) Aimee was born on a beautiful autumn evening in the hospital room. I did it naturally (not by choice mind you lol) and the most amazing perfect gift in the world was that I was able to hold her almost instantly for quite a while. It wasn't skin to skin as she had to be so wrapped up but it was me staring down at this perfect bundle of smallness...this little dot that was new to everything. She was born weighing 4lb15 1/2oz and came out screaming her little head off. Bless her! There werer no complications and she went straight into an incubator to get her temp regulated. She was out of it and into a cot by the next morning. She was born on Monday and was home by Thursday night. THe most amazing thing happened though. When she was first born my milk hadn't come through I couldn't even give her my colostrum as it was just dry bones. So we had resigned ourselves once again to bottles. I was upset but knew that she was more important than my need to "be a proper mum" to her by breastfeeding. I just knew this is our last baby and I wanted to experience it just once.  Anywys we were rooming in and my milk had come in but I didn't want to confuse her and I didn't think she would go on anyways so I sat there listening to her suddenly refusing her bottle and she kept nuzzling in towards my breasts..finally I gave in and put her on. The miracle moment was when she isntantly latched on and GULPED down an entire feed. The most amazing feeling is being able to provide the basic sustenence that your child needs. Since she is tiny though she gets tired easily so she would come off quickly and go to sleep, this was something I wasn't quite sure of what to do with as it was all so sudden and new to me. But they let us go home anyways. 
Aimee really struggled to put any weight on and actually lost 12% in the first few days. This is devastating for me and I am doing everything possible to keep her healthy.  We are working with the doctors, nurses, neonatal staff, and midwives doing everything we are told. Every two hours I pump, feed, top up with the breast and then snuggle her to replenish my supply. On Monday she hadn't lost anymore she just hadn't gained either. I am a believer in faith, I believe in claiming things in the name of Jesus and I believe that we are only given things that He knows that we can handle. I am believing and claiming growth in her and strength in her. Yes doing all those things for her feeds are difficult when I could quite easily reach for a bottle of formula and give it to her. BUT she wouldn't be getting all the nutrients.  The midwives are supportive either way and have said that whatever I choose to do they will support but they are so encouraging with my breast feeding and really that boost that I needed. God is a God of provision, He provides us with exactly what we need, when we need it. So He knows what Aimee needs and is providing it to exact measures. She is beautiful and I am finding this whole thing so enjoyable. Maggie is in love with her new sister but also very confused so I continually pray for her as she walks this journey with us, and Steve is in love but so overwhelmed by fear and memories of Maggie, and everything that he struggles at times. But that is expected. GOD IS GOOD! AND HE WILL PROVIDE AND MAKE MY BABY THRIVE!!!

1 comment:

Chrissie said...

She is such a doll and I am praying with you that you can continue to breast feed and that she begins to put on weight.