Friday, 22 October 2010

Momma's getting more sleep!

It's crazy, when you bring a new tiny baby home they eat constantly every 2hours at least and they say anytime that they fuss in between to just stick them on the boob. Well Aimee has been gaining so consistently that the midwife told us that she can go 3 hourly at night...Aimee on the other hand didn't think this was the case and decided to wake up not every two hours but every hour and a half. BUT the last couple nights she has started to sleep 3 hourly and wake really happily and settled. She wakes once in the night after 2 hours but has a really good feed and goes straight back down. I am so grateful because this has given me 3 hours extra to sleep thru the night and if I take a nap when Mags goes to bed it works really nicely. I'm also getting into a groove with the whole night feeding thing. I have started taking a box of shreddies to bed with me and I munch on that as I am feeding to keep my calories up and to keep myself awake :) might sprinkle some icing sugar on some to make them a bit tastier. I'm also straight breast feeding and not pumping now as the healthvisitor was so pleased with her weight. I'm just praying that on Weds when they weigh her again they will let me go 3 hourly during the day as well. It would just make things simpler. Although I can't wait to go and do my first "in public" breast feeding...not that I am going to wack them out and shout "look at me boobies ya'll" but I am proud of myself and won't be one of those women who hide in the bathroom. ;) I have my 'shmina and am all ready for an excuse to go have a cup of coffee somewhere. Maybe mom and I will go have coffee somewhere tomorow with Mags. Have a great weekend everyone! xx

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