Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Let's try this with a little less hostility this time please ladies?

Ok when I was trying to get pregnant with Maggie I used to find it really hard when pregnant women flaunted their stomaches around and discussed their pregnancies. I used to go home and cry. But then I got pregnant and I realized so very quickly that it is flaunting, it is more just a natural ocurance to discuss things. I am a discusser I talk....if I had a headache I would say to you "wow I've got a bit of a headache I'm going to have some water"  I am sick to death of someone I work with and Jo it's not you...being absolutely hostile towards me while I am pregnant. When I was pregnant with Maggie she was the same. I will come in the room and she will get up and leave or just start talking about something she knows I'm not interested in so I won't be able to comment, and if I mention the baby she will roll her eyes and huff under her wouldnt be so bad but this woman is newly married and hasnt been trying for a baby for more than a year. She is also a GROWN woman so I really wish the hostility would just stop. I am sorry she is upset by me being pregnant but at the end of the day, it's not my fault her body doesn't work properly, and it's not my fault her other half isn't overly keen on having a baby just yet.  We  aren't particularly close and it is more of a proffessional friendship...I think she assumes that because I don't own a house, car, or go to church that I don't "derserve" to have this happiness. She has said several times "oh well you wouldnt understand you don't go to church"  what the hell??????? I may not go to church but I was brought up in one and that is the reason I DONT GO  TO CHURCH NOW is people with her attitude. This pregnancy is terrifying and not once has she asked how it is going, she will sit and watch me discuss it with Maggie's key person but she won't ask about it...she knows I have no family here and that my closest friends are a million miles away. She knows how scared I am and yet still I am the one who is wrong....I am not a spiteful person but when she gets hostile I so badly want to start talking about my pregnancy  intentionally and pull my tshirt up and flaunt my bump...BUT I am not that mean, I have been discreet about it, I don't talk openly about it unless someone asks or unless I am about to go throw up and I need to make sure there is enough staff to cover me while I am gone. With Maggie I was in the mind set of "oh maybe I have done something wrong by getting pregnant and maybe I shouldnt be talking about it so much" and I walked on eggshells and was really and truely made to feel like an outsider. I don't will illharm to this person in fact I wish her all the happiness that life can bring her because EVERYONE deserves that. Her, You and especially pregnant me :) Why can't we all just be happy for each other?

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