Wednesday, 21 April 2010

turkey breast, ham, lettuce, pickles, onions, jalepenoes, and southwest sauce.

This is what I had for lunch and it was delicious! I havent been sick since sunday so I am crossing my fingers and praying's funny how once you have the baby your forget about morning sickness but during the time it feels like the only thing in the world.  It really is enough this time to put me off having any more children. I love my food and I hate feeling two big things in life eat well and live well. I can't live well if I am worried about throwing up on my bosses perfectly done hair and high heels.  So here is hoping that I am going to start feeling better. I really and truely need my dishes done they are just piling up and every time I go to do them I get sick and end up having to lie down. I feel bad asking steve to do it. Maybe he can do it just once more. Pray he feels like blessing me by doing the dishes. :) He isnt as patient with me this time around. With Maggie he was the doting fascinated husband and this time it's like "oh my goodness mara are you sick again?!"  OR  "it's just a bowl of dishes I am sure it's not that bad"    I know he is exhausted from work but so am I and then I look after Maggie as well....I wish he could see how very tired I really and truely am. I hope he gets more excited about this baby as time goes on. I feel a bit alone sometimes because he doesnt seem as interested. Maybe he is still in is a big adjustment.  Anyways that is my

1 comment:

Chrissie said...

mara, know that today I am praying for your whole family today. I hope that you all continue to come together as you adjust to this unexpected miracle!!