Thursday 25 November 2010

Give thanks

with a greatful heart give thanks! Today is Thanksgiving and I am thankful for so much! I am blessed with so much! I am greatful for my family, my home, my friends, my job, my heat, technology that lets me communicate with friends and family. I am thankful for the last 8 weeks that I had with my mom and the last 3 weeks I had with my dad. It was such a lovely and amazing visit and I really didn't want them to go back. Today is my first day of just Aimee and I at home and it has been a strange one. She has developed colic really badly and won't let me put her down for more than five minutes at a time and I am trying to get things clean and tidy. But holding her isn't a bad thing it's lovely and warm which is nice because outside it is gorgeous but FREEZING!   so Happy thanksgiving everyone! much love to all of you. xxx

Friday 19 November 2010

Pumpkin Pie

This weekend we are celebrating Thanksgiving as my mum and dad are going home on Weds and won't be here for Thursday. I decided to wait to do our pie untill Maggie came home from nursery and she had so much fun! I had so much fun....she made me laugh so hard when she decided to eat the spoon that the cinamon had fallen onto and then made the funniest face. She stood so well and listened to directions like a big girl. Afterwards she helped me do the dishes and was there for ages washing and sploshing. My angel is growing up...and I am so proud of her! xoxoxoxo I love you Maggie May!

Thursday 18 November 2010

my big baby!

Aimee was weighed today and now weighs 7lb8oz! She has nearly doubled her weight since she was born! Ok not nearly but she is still steadily putting on an ounce a day. She is most definately a mummies girl and will scream when put down. I know that this is probably not good in the long run but for now I love that she needs me. I didn't have this the first time around and I am enjoying being needed. I love that when she is fussing I pick her up and she starts nuzzling into my neck and grasping my's so nice to know that I am soothing her just because I am her mum! I love that God has given me the ability to give her the means to grow and thrive. Her health visitor today told us that she is healthy and big enough to go to clinic properly and be weighed with all of the other children.  She is brilliant! :) xxx

Saturday 6 November 2010

almost due date

Tuesday would have been my due's crazy to think that this amazing baby this beautiful gift I have been given early would have still been inside had it not been for my incompetent cervix. I am not sad about it though, I am actually relieved...I hated being pregnant. I am getting the hang of breast feeding, I wore my moby and breastfed in public! Aimee is growing so much she is getting these chubby little jowls and and chunky tiny thighs...aww so cute! She is also developing a temper and learning that if she cries a certain way everyone in the room will instantly stop what they are doing and rush over and fuss over her. And why not...she is adorable! Maggie is so good with her, she is so in love with her Aimee sister, she constantly kisses and loves on her. Aimee ended up with Maggies cold because of all the cuddles but is on the mend now. I can't wait to see how much she weighs on Monday...she has grown  much!